The 3.25 lakh central force was supposed to hold the main ceremonial parade and display of martial skills with the involvement of thousands of troops at its officers academy campus in Gurgaon on March 19 to mark its 81st raising day.
“Conforming to precautionary advisory to break the spread of COVID-19, all CRPF programs in connection with CRPF raising day and passing out parade of 51st batch DAGOs (directly appointed gazetted officers) have been postponed,” the force said in a statement.
“CRPF has joined the national response against COVID-19 by gearing up its medical facilities,” it said.
The passing out parade of its latest batch of officers was scheduled to be held after the raising day event on March 21.
Taking a similar action, the Central Industrial Security Force had last week postponed its anniversary day celebrations to be held on Friday.
However, the CISF is now mulling to hold this event on March 28 after reviewing the threat posed by the disease that has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.
“The Union home ministry has explicitly asked all forces under its command to avoid large congregations like these events and the CISF raising day will be postponed further if the coronavirus situation does not improve,” a senior official said.
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