Central teams, which were tasked to check preparedness of districts with a high load of coronavirus cases, found that infection prevention control practices were not
Tag: infection
asymptomatic infection: No symptoms in 80% of Covid cases raise concerns
New Delhi: With mounting evidence that asymptomatic Covid-19 cases are spreading the infection, India’s top medical research body is grappling with the problem posed by
Phased exit from lockdown: Areas with low infection risk may be opened up first
New Delhi: The government could consider a phased exit from the national lockdown and is studying a proposal to partially lift restrictions in low-risk states
Experts looking to modify TB test to track Covid-19 infection
New Delhi: India has decided to try a diagnostic method, currently being used for tuberculosis, to test Covid-19, as the number of coronavirus positive cases
Coronavirus lockdown: Labour pain- infection worry keeps attendance low across sectors
New Delhi | Bengaluru | Kolkata | Chandigarh | Pune: Lockdown — and labour is locked out. Businesses across sectors — ecommerce to retail, and
Coronavirus symptoms: Lost sense of smell may be peculiar clue to coronavirus infection
By Roni Caryn Rabin A mother who was infected with the coronavirus couldn’t smell her baby’s full diaper. Cooks who can usually name every spice
Private labs may soon be allowed to test for coronavirus infection
Mumbai: The National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune is fast-tracking the approval process for reagents required for the expansion of Covid-19 testing, said people