Wheat: India to export wheat to Afghanistan and Lebanon

NEW DELHI: India will be exporting around one lakh tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan and Lebanon under government to government (G2G) arrangement. The country is expecting a record wheat production of 106.21 million tonne this year – 2.61 million tonnes more last year’s out put.

“Nafed has been asked to export 50,000 tonnes to Afghanistan and 40,000 tonnes to Lebanon through diplomatic route,” said a senior agriculture department official.

He said that India has been producing more than 100 million tonnes for last three years and there is surplus wheat in granaries to feed the country.

“Despite surplus production, Indian wheat is out of global market due to higher price. But government has been exporting wheat to African and Asian countries on humanitarian ground under G2G arrangement,” the official said.

Union agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar has been pushing for export of surplus farm produce which can boost farmers’ income.

“Farmers should not lose on any export opportunity of surplus food items. Every step should be taken to ensure hassle-free export of agri commodities. Officials should come forward and facilitate agri export during this time of crisis,” he had urged agriculture ministers of states and official during recently held video conferencing.

The harvesting of wheat has also started in wheat growing states with 26-33% harvesting reported against total sown area of 30 million hectare.

“Proper precautions are being ensured during harvesting. Farmers are observing physical distancing of 1-2 metres in fields. Harvesting is likely to pick up next week as maturing of crop has been delayed this year by at least 10 days due to lower than normal temperature persisting across wheat growing states,” the official said.

The procurement of wheat has started in some places in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. However, it is likely to be in full swing from next week in Punjab and Haryana – which contributes around 70% wheat to the central pool.

The procurement of oilseeds and pulses have also started with Nafed buying 1.07 lakh tonne me of pulses and 1,644 tonnes of oilseeds distributing Rs 526.84 crore among 76,000 farmers.

Under PM-KISAN scheme, which gives cash benefit of Rs 6000 to farmers in three equal instalments, government has so far transferred Rs 15,841 crore benefitting 7.92 crore farmers.

For smooth transportation of farm and dairy products, Railways have introduced 62 routes for running 109 time table parcel trains.

“These trains are supplying essential commodities including perishable horticultural produce, seeds, milk and dairy products at fast speed which will facilitate farmers, traders and companies for continuity of supply chain across the country,” the official said.

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