A Pre-NIT Meet has been convened on April 18 with the stakeholders on the model bid documents comprising of Request for Bid (RFB) and Model Contract Agreement (MCA) for ‘Development and Operation of Underground mines’ of CIL on Mine Developer-cum- Operator (MDO) mode, according to a notice by Coal India.
The Pre-NIT Meet will be held through video conferencing, the notice noted.
“The scope of work of the mine operator will broadly include, but not limited to, development of the project, including detailed designing, financing, mine construction, procurement of mining and other equipment), operation and maintenance of the mine under the project for extraction and delivery of the coal and performance of all other obligations of the mine operator,” according to draft model contract.
About 80 per cent of India’s domestic coal production comes from CIL. CIL recorded an all-time high coal output of 84.36 million tonnes during March 2020, registering 6.5 per cent growth compared to 79.19 MT it produced in March 2019.
The company closed the fiscal 2019-20 with annual coal production of 602.14 MT. The country’s coal import increased marginally by 3.2 per cent to 242.97 million tonnes (MT) in the just-concluded fiscal 2019-20.
Coming back strongly in the last quarter of FY’20, CIL clocked a robust 9.9 per cent production growth compared to same quarter of 2018-19.
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