The e-commerce marketplace is also constantly monitoring the health of its employees and delivery associates using thermal guns, a company spokesperson said.
“For our supply chain and logistics network, we have organized more than 3,000 awareness sessions covering over a lakh employees across all our facilities on how our employees and partners can minimize their exposure by following simple precautionary measures,” the person said.
Flipkart has also asked employees with suspected flu symptoms to return home. It is thoroughly cleaning all facilities with disinfectant to ensure a safe work environment and deep fumigation is carried out regularly.
The company has also issued advisories to all employees and staff regarding washing of hands and hygiene measures before entering the warehouses, fulfillment centres and other premises.
Flipkart said it also keeping a regular track of the affected areas through its centralized security team to avoid exposure of employees in those regions.
The company is also following the government norms like social distancing in warehouses and all offices.
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