Though the company did not specify the exact amount of the contract, as per its specification it ranges between Rs 2,500 crore and Rs 5,000 crore. “The EPCC contract is for setting up a new 9 MTPA Atmospheric & Vacuum Distillation Unit (AVU) and allied facilities (EPCC-1 Package) for Barauni Refinery Capacity Expansion Project at IOCL’s Barauni Refinery, Bihar. The capacity of Barauni Refinery is being augmented from current installed capacity of 6 MTPA to 9 MTPA,” the company said in a statement.
Awarded through an international competitive bidding on Lump Sum Turn Key (LSTK) basis, the contract demonstrates IOCL’s trust on L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering’s capability to deliver complex process plants to a challenging schedule with excellent safety and quality, the company said.
L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering is already executing a similar EPCC Project of 9 MTPA project for HPCL Visakh Refinery as a part of Visakh Refinery Modernisation Project. Organized under offshore, onshore, construction services, modular fabrication and engineering services verticals, LTHE delivers ‘design to build’ engineering and construction solutions across the hydrocarbon spectrum.
Larsen & Toubro is an Indian multinational engaged in technology, engineering, construction, manufacturing and financial services with over USD 21 billion in revenue. It operates in over 30 countries.
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